What's in the Daily News!

I'll tell you what's in the Daily News!

Okay, so in reality I probably haven't a clue what's in the Daily News. I did buy one once in New York, though, and I sang the line from Guys and Dolls while holding the newspaper, to the bewilderment of those around me. Oh well. I did read the paper, though; I still have it somewhere.

The newspaper, especially the out-of-town newspaper, has always held somewhere between an importance and a fascination for me. Somehow the events of the world, be they the Challenger disaster or the WTC collapse, or something more mundane like the White Sox's division-clinching victory over Seattle in 1993, seem more real when I saw the headlines in print in the Chicago Tribune the next morning. (I was at that ballgame, too.)

I generally buy papers everywhere I go. I don't always save them, but I like to have them for a while. I bought two copies of the Detroit News in 1985; one the day the Major League Baseball Players' Association went on strike, and one the next day when the strike was settled. I bought four papers when I was in Washington, and two on my trip to Columbus, including the first paper I saw with the date "01 January 2001" on it. So I like newspapers.

Some people have thought that the internet, as a news source, would be the death knell for the newspaper as we know it. Many newspapers have changed in response, and most of the top 15 news sites on the internet are affiliated with newspapers. But I don't think there will ever be a substitute for each day's bundle of newsprint and ink.

All of the newspaper sites I list here are for newspapers I've heard of for some reason as newspapers (i.e., not as web sites). Those reasons could be because I've read the physical paper, because I've seen an ad on the boards watching a hockey game on TV, because I've read a clipping from an article somewhere else that was attributed to the paper, or, in the case of all the Nevada listings, because Ben got on my case and gave me links. At any rate, these are all real local newspapers here in the United States, and their affiliated web sites.

My List Of Newspaper Web Sites

Note: Washington, DC is listed under "Maryland". I know it's not in Maryland. I've been to Washington, but I've never been to Maryland. But since it's not in any state, I assigned it to one, and Maryland is the most logical.

Alabama-Georgia | Hawaii-Maryland | Massachusetts-New Jersey| New Mexico-Pennsylvania | Rhode Island-Wyoming